Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023 – HE WAS TO KILL HIMSELF! DON’T ALLOW THEM DIE! -2

Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023



Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023 – HE WAS TO KILL HIMSELF! DON’T ALLOW THEM DIE! -2

Westerday’s near suicide story continues now: So, on the day he was to drink a bottle of SNIPER and die, he said he saw me appear to him (I was not even in Nigeria) and he told the congregation that I reminded him that THE GOD WHO BROUGHT HIM OUT OF DEATH IN PRISON CAN STILL DO IT AGAIN BY ESTABLISHING HIM.

He said he was arguing with me when I forcefully knocked the bottle out of his hands.

He rushed to pick the bottle from the floor but discovered that all the contents were spilled before he could reach it. Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023 – HE WAS TO KILL HIMSELF! DON’T ALLOW THEM DIE! -2

He said I then told him to trace THE MANNA MOUNTAIN LAGOS on any SUNDAY, 8.30am and see me! Wow! He came but I was absent on the Sunday he came! I later called him and prayed with him! It was a glorious day as the brethren rallied around him!

Ah! What can this God not do? No matter the matter, determine to hold on! Thank God for ODM PRODUCTION PARTNERS and pray for them daily! Let God use you to give someone this ODM booklet in prisons, hospitals, to families, etc.

Also, be a FOOD BANK PARTNER and let’s help humanity together! Let’s get souls saved and heaven-bound BY ALL LEGAL MEANS! See page 29 for details! Every good work or seed you sow shall be rewarded! Hear Ariana Huffington: ‘We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we will

screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure (a mistake) is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success. Close with today’s seripture Vs. 11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (an expected end).”

Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023 – HE WAS TO KILL HIMSELF! DON’T ALLOW THEM DIE! -2

Did you get that? YOU WI End Well Because God Is Your Guarantee Of A Future That Men Will Envy! Yes! Determine to hold on and hold out in any challenge!

Move on! DON’T EVER QUIT! Pray seriously now!
Give out ODM and “War Against Haman” booklets! Help someone to do the upcoming annual 1st day. astine Me aracho: (Sunday July 9th – Saturday 22nd, 2023) again!

THEME: VAH THE AVENGER” (GOD OF VENGEAÑCE), FIGHT FOR ME! TURN TO PAGE 107 of “War Against Haman” – 18 book – let and pray those prayers before any fasting pro-gram.

FACEBOOK LIVE: “ourdailymannaworldwide” & YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. They must SUBMIT as we pray!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: There’s not a friend..
1. Pray about today’s word as led now!
2. Declare Jeremiah 29: 11 seven times and personalize it! Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023 – HE WAS TO KILL HIMSELF! DON’T ALLOW THEM DIE! -2

  1. No matter the matter, I refuse to give up! My BEST DAYS are ahead because the LORD has said so in Jeremiah 29: 11.

  2. LORD, make me a FOOD BANK PARTNER and an ODM

  3. PRODUCTION PARTNER. See page 29 now.
    Pray about today! Pray for the champion (ex-prisoner) used in today’s scripture!

Manna Devotional Online 2nd July 2023 – HE WAS TO KILL HIMSELF! DON’T ALLOW THEM DIE! -2

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