ODM Daily 14 March 2024
Daily Manan Topic: BULLETS YOU MUST IGNORE IN 2024! -2

BULLET 2: Fear of Making Mistakes: Someone once said: “If mistakes weren’t part of life, erasers wouldn’t exist.” The only real mistake one can ever make is not trying in the first place. Mistakes only mean that you are trying and you are human. So in this YEAR OF PERFORMANCE, refuse to fear making mistakes! Always pray to jump over IRREVERSIBLE MISTAKES, BUT DON’T FEAR THEM! Even if you make an irreversible mistake, that is the language of man! The word “IRREVERSIBLE” does not exist in the dictionary of heaven! Your God REVERSES THE IRREVERSIBLE! In this year 2024, whether it’s a bad marital choice, bad career choice, a bad financial investment, bad manners, mistake in your speech or temperament, mistake in your ministry, relationship with your children, a minor blunder at work or a quarrel with a friend, etc, hear this: ALL THINGS WILL WORK OUT TOGETHER FOR YOUR SAKE IF YOU TRUST GOD! Close with this as a balance/caution: Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one. That can also mean that only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others and TRIES TO AVOID THEM! ODM Daily 14 March 2024
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PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Blessed assurance…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
- In this year 2024, I refuse to BEAT OR CONDEMN
mistake to miracles of inspiration. This is my year! Lord,
REVERSE THE IRREVERSIBLE for me this year! - I shall never deliberately follow a wrong pathway this
year! I shall pursue holiness and seek HIS FACE! - Pray in Tongues over past errors and mistakes now
(Pray now). - Pray about today as led and pray the devotional prayers
as led now. ODM Daily 14 March 2024