ODM Daily Online 28 November 2023 – TURNING YOUR TALENTS TO ASSETS!

ODM Daily Online 28 November 2023


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Today the Holy Ghost is using the life of a man who could have become one of the richest men in history to speak to you and settle your destiny! He is Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, a British software engineer and com- puter scientist who created the World Wide Web (www.com) in 1989.

ODM Daily Online 28 November 2023 – TURNING YOUR TALENTS TO ASSETS!

He is a Professor of Computer Sci- ence at Oxford University, and an Emeritus Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Today, the current Estimated Net Worth of Google, Amazon, eBay and Facebook, etc, are in Tril- lions of dollars combined, but even though he is not a poor man, the man that made their existence possible isn’t as rich as them. He also designed and built the first web browser.

His breakthrough was a system that allowed computer users to share a common lan- guage to communicate over a network. However, after lay- ing the foundation for the information super-highway, Berners-Lee did nothing to turn this into a money-making scheme for himself.

He was probably satisfied at just being a professor with a unique Copyright! Ah! The Holy Ghost wants you to turn your wisdom (TALENTS) to TREA- SURES!

There is something you were created with, which was intended by God to make you A STAR with a SUPER STORY! You are NOT A NOBODY! YOU ARE NOT JUST AVERAGE! I see you turning your skills to prosper- ity. Today’s text shows why most people are poor. Before Jesus came on the scene, they had toiled all night and caught nothing.

Jesus showed up and gave them a secret to “launch out into the deep” (Luke 5:4). That is like saying, STOP WORKING ANYHOW! DISCOVER YOUR DEEP SE- CRET which is hidden in you and pursue it!

From this day and this season, you are moving into a deeper realm of DIS- COVERY that will catapault you into a RECOVERY OF YOUR LOST TREASURES! Your world is waiting for you! Shine more! Pray now! Give out the 2024 ODM as gifts!

ODM Daily Online 28 November 2023 – TURNING YOUR TALENTS TO ASSETS!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Higher ground…

  1. Lord,helpmetoturnmyTALENTSintoTREASURES.

  2. LORD, turn me into a SUPER STORY! Show me the
    deeper things of my destiny (Pray it 7 times daily for 3 days).

  3. I will not end in the land of AVERAGE! I shall end as a HELPER and a STAR TO MANKIND (Pray it
    seriously till you have peace to stop).

  4. Pray about today! Pray in Tongues now!

ODM Daily Online 28 November 2023 – TURNING YOUR TALENTS TO ASSETS!


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