ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.

ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.


Basic Scripture: Matthew 14: 25-32

In this journey of life, one of the things you can count on is the enemy of your testimony called fear will come and attempt to seize control of your VEHICLE (that is, your heart). If fear knocked on the door of Peter’s heart while he was walking on the sea, you can be sure it can knock on your door too. Do not Miss ODM 1st April 2018

ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.

ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.

Hear what the spirit is saying to a user of today’s devotional: DON’T SURRENDER TO FEAR! Over and over, the Bible insists, “Fear not.” Instead of surrendering to fear, surrender your fears to God! Yes, surrender your fear to the Word of God and the Word of God paralyze them. In first Samuel 17, Goliath was a voice of fear to the children of Israel, and that voice took control of their destiny until the little boy David showed up.

See Our Daily Manna Prayer Points 2018

That little boy called “DAVID” was the person who disgrace to the dreaded GOLLIATH! I am sent to announce to you today: THERE IS A “DAVID” (courage and boldness) IN YOU! AWKE IT! No wonder a Japanese proverb says: “Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.” I remember William Allen White: “I am not afraid of yesterday and I love today.” Don’t fear tomorrow!  That should be your attitude!

Eleanor Roosevelt hit the nail on the head: “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ” That was the secret of David! HE LOOKED AT FEAR IN THE FACE! Oh! Confront your fears! I pray that, “THE LITTLE DAVID IN YOU” will rise up big today, to con4front every GOLIATH of your destiny!

ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.

FEAR IS A SINKER! Unlike Peter who began to SINK due to FEAR, refuse to hand over your life to fear because, FOR EVERY GOLIATH, THERE IS A DAVID! This is your year and your quarter! Get up. Trust God and face the future with boldness! You will win! Look up! Hold on! ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.


PRAYER POINTS: Take any song f worship as led now. ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.

  1. In your own words, pray over today’s word as led now.
  2. Sprit of fear, I break your hold over and over my mind today! You will not derail my journey! You will not my testimony in Jesus name. ODM Devotional For Champions 2 April 2018 By Bishop Chris.
  3. There is a DAVID in me! I speak fresh life to my faith now. My faith is waxing stronger and stronger, day by day. I am courageous and bold in Jesus name.
  4. All you demonic hijakers of destiny that have been assigned to my life, family and ministry, GO BLIND NOW AND BE PARALYZE BY THE FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST NOW in Jesus name (Pray seriously). Pray about today as led now!

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