See John 2:7-10: “Jesus said to them ‘Fill the waterpots with water.’ And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them; ‘Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.’ And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him ‘Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior; but you have kept the good wine until now!”
Now as I travel around the globe and hear from wounded soldiers of the cross, the “billion dollar” question that always comes to my mind is, “Why does God show up late? Why does He show up sometimes after you’ve done everything possible; you’ve laboured and laboured, you’ve fasted, you’ve prayed, you are holy and you’ve paid and are still paying your tithe, you have forgiven
those that never said ‘SORRY,’ etc, and you’re tired and fed up? Why does He show up at the last minute?” It is to make sure ‘that NOBODY takes the glory for what He will do in you and for you! You must also know that whatever takes time to appear, appears well! When He shows up late, He always comes with the best! Samuel came late in the life of Hannah but he was the best. ODM FEBRUARY DAY 23
The healing of the woman with the issue of blood came late but it gave her a place of the memorial in the Book of all books. The restoration of Ruth and Naomi came late but they got the best – Jesus came through them! You may be facing mockery, shame and even reproach NOW, but when your time comes which I know is now, you shall laugh the best laugh and those who will hear shall also laugh with you in your STORY TO GLORY MEGADRAMA script not written by man but by ANGELS.
Wow! At the wedding feast, what was SHAME was turned to FAME! What was to be an EMBARRASSMENT became an ANNOUNCEMENT of GLORY! What was to be a RASH party became a PRAISE party! That is why you MUST NEVER quit trusting this God! Your life, career, and ministry AGAINST ALL ODDS, will end up in laughter, celebration, jubilation, praises and glory! Shout this aloud now: It is my turn to swim and soar in GLORY! This is my STORY TO GLORY YEAR! Though He shows up late, He shows up BIG! Thank youJesus! Thank you Father!” Arise and pray now!
Tomorrow Sunday, February 24th, 2019 is supposed to be Lagos (Ogudu) anointing service.
Theme: “LORD, CHANGE MY NAME!” Time: 7.30 am. Come with 3 SPECIAL PRAYER POINTS! Pastors will have priority!
Because of the elections postponed to this weekend, check on this PAGE for an update click here
PRAYER POINTS Our Daily Manna Devotional today
Take Song 2: The old rugged cross… Scroll down for both Audio and lyrics
- LORD, arise for me and let any power or personality that wants me to rush and rush and rush out of my place of glory this year, wither by fire in Jesus name.
- You FRUSTRATION EXTENDERS, you cannot prevail over me this year! I paralyze you now by fire and thunder in Jesus name (Pray it well). ODM FEBRUARY DAY 23
The old rugged cross
1. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
The emblem of suff’ring and shame,
And I love that old cross where the Dearest and Best
For a world of lost sinners was slain.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
2. Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,
Has a wondrous attraction for me;
For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above,
To bear it to dark Calvary.
3. In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,
A wondrous beauty I see;
For ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,
To pardon and sanctify me.
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Amen!I key in,into every prophetic utterances.God bless u sir!