Our Daily Manna 20 June 2022 THE DOCTOR OR THE UNDERTAKER?

Our Daily Manna 20 June 2022


Our Daily Manna For Champions 22nd November 2021
Our Daily Manna Bishop quote

The doctors prepare you for life, while the undertaker (person whose business is to organize burials), prepares you for a befitting burial. So if you are sick for example, whom will you go to? Likewise in life, who do you seek counsel from when in need? What are the things that inform your seeking an opinion from an individual? There is nothing wrong in seeking an opinion from people. However, the quality of counsel you get is crucial. No matter whom you go to for counsel, never forget to seek the exact mind of God on that issue. If you want the right kind of advice/counsel, meet the right person or read the right book (The Bible). In today’s scripture, the wrong counsel destroyed the destiny of a promising young king – Jeroboam. He went to an unqualified source (the young men) to get counsel. Vs. 8 declares that, “he forsook the counsel of the old men and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him and which stood before him.” What a tragedy! Regularly depend on the Holy Ghost as you listen to your spirit man (your heart). The doctor is not trained to give you a befitting burial. Our Daily Manna 20 June 2022

The undertaker is not trained to heal you! So pray, choose and get the right person. If you must talk to a person, go to someone qualified. Don’t seek sympathy! You don’t need it. You need a solution, not sympathy! So, stop running around and telling your problems to everyone! Never seek counsel from someone unqualified to help you! Our Daily Manna 20 June 2022

Log into today’s online prayers – from “SORRY” to “CONGRATULATIONS” 8pm Lagos (Nigeria) Time! FOR ODM ONLINE; ODM IN YOUR PHONE, Kindly See Page 33 for details.

Our Daily Manna 20 June 2022

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: When the roll is called…


  1. Thank God for the Word and ask the Lord to give you
    the grace never to deviate from His will.
  2. I reject confusion concerning every area of my life. I
    reject the wrong people or counsel in Jesus name.
  3. Lord, lead me to the right people.
  4. Pray points 7-9 today and daily from the 404 prayer
    points section. Our Daily Manna 20 June 2022
  5. Pray for me and pray for the peace of Jerusalem

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