Our Daily Manna 29 December 2018
Basic Scriptures: Exodus 15: 22 – 27; Jeremiah 2: 13
It was Booker T. Washington who wrote: “If you want to lift yourself up, lift someone else.” Then Ezra Taft Benson opined: “If you really want to receive joy and happiness, then serve others with all you heart. Lift their burden, and you own burden will be lighter.” Our Daily Manna 29 December 2018 – 3 KINDS OF PEOPLE!
Our Daily Manna 29 December 2018
I learned years ago that there are three kinds of people – the Flint, the Sponge and the Honeycomb. To get something out of the Flint, you hammer it. But then it gives you only chips and sparks. To get something from the Sponge, you squeeze it, and the more pressure you apply, the more you get out of it. But out of the three, the Honeycomb just overflows it sweetness and by itself. It has so much goodness within itself that it must give abundantly without force.
Yes! It gives out what is in it WITHOUT FORCE and that how your life and ministry must be as 2018 ends. Be a honeycomb! Live an overflowing life because you are carrying THE PRINCE OF LIFE within you! You have LIVING WATER in you (2nd scripture)! Your life is so filled that it should constantly overflow with love, courage, boldness, faith and inspiration. What you do not have you cannot share! What God has not don IN YOU, He cannot do THROUGH YOU. Being a blessing begins with being the blessed!
It is when you learn, live and serve in such a way that your cup is always “More than enough,” that you are set to take others up! Close with my dear friend Bernard Beltzer: “There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up.” Oh! Be the Honeycomb as you go out daily! Make others sweet even in your tough battles and you will never end up in the land of MAMAH (bitterness).
Our Daily Manna 29 December 2018
The 2019 ODM and “War Against Haman – 14” booklets are out! Give them as Christmas/New Year gift items! Get your copies from your nearest bookshop now! Give to FAMILY/FRIENDS! The “War Against Haman – 14” booklet contains the 2019 January 21-day fasting prayers! Your STORY to GLORY secrets are hidden therein! GET YOUR COPIES NOW!
PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: My faith looks up…
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now. Our Daily Manna 29 December 2018 – 3 KINDS OF PEOPLE!
2. Lord, as 2018 ends and in 2019, use me and make me LIKE THE HONEYCOMB! I shall bless others and be an agent of sweetness to others in Jesus name. Give them ODM!
3. I repent from ways which I have made other lives bitter in the past! In 2019, I am moving from STORY TO GLORY!
4. Holy Ghost, prepare me for the 2019 WORLDWIDE 21-day prayer/fasting programme with the theme: FROM STORY TO GLORY; A NIGHT OF 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS!
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