\Our Daily Manna April 20th, 2019
BASIC SCRIPTURES: 1 SAMUEL 15:29; Psalm 89:20-37
Nevertheless is a conjunction, which is used to join sentences together, but to me, it is a compound word of “three words” as we have as our title today: NEVER-THE-LESS. Glory be to God who has brought us to the 2nd lap of the year 2019.

What a great STORY to GLORY year and what a greater privilege to be alive today! When the year started, you had your 21-day prayer/fasting programme and it is mostly likely that you wrote down some things you wanted God to do for you, as well as some things you don’t want in your life (e.g. character traits, habits, attitudes, behaviour) and going by how far the Lord has brought you in the journey so far, can you say, “NEVER-THE-LESS”? Have you not settled for the less? Have you not shifted ground a bit so that you are not termed a fanatic? Have you not compromised in a “little” way? If your answer is “NO”, then I give glory to God on your behalf and still encourage you.
If your answer is “Yes” then God is saying to you and indeed to all users of today’s devotional: NEVER-THE-LESS” in your prayers, fellowship with God, Bible study, fasting and working for God. Refuse to settle for less because of a delay! Why should you marry just anybody because you want a life partner urgently? Why would you visit a native doctor because you want an urgent breakthrough? Why should you lower your standard of living because you want urgent money? God is saying again to a user of today’s devotional: Refuse to settle for less because of a delay! The door of mercy is widely open to all and God is graciously calling you to arise and make up your mind that: NEVER-THE-LESS again in your life and ministry.
Declare many times now: “I shall accept THE BEST of God’s purpose for my life! NEVER-THE-LESS! Satan, you are a liar forever. I shall wait for my STORY TO GLORY change. I know my God is not a man and He CANNOT lie. Yes! He will not lie unto David (Vs. 35 of today’s 2nd scripture) and He will not lie unto me. Amen and amen.” Pray now!
Be at OGUDU MOUNTAIN, 10-11 OMOTAYO BANWO STREET, OGUDU ORIOKE, LAGOS for Tomorrow’s Easter Sunday, Special Holy Communion Service. Come, as I shall lay hands on all present.
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: When the morning comes… {sing below}
- Adore the Lord. Pray about the Word as it has affected you.
- Repent from ways and times you have accepted less than the purpose of God for your life. Repent from compromises.
- Lord, I declare right now that I will not accept anything less than Your perfect will for my life, family and ministry. Lord, let only Your perfect will prevail over my life, family and ministry (Pray it very well). Pray any other prayer(s) as led now.
When the Morning Comes Lyrics
1- Trials dark on ev’ry hand, and we cannot understand
All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed promised land;
But He’ll guide us with His eye, and we’ll follow till we die;
We will understand it better by and by.
2. Oft our cherished plans have failed, disappointments have prevailed,
And we’ve wandered in the darkness, heavy-hearted and alone;
But we’re trusting in the Lord, and, according to His Word,
We will understand it better by and by.
3. Temptations, hidden snares often take us unawares,
And our hearts are made to bleed for some tho’tless word or deed,
And we wonder why the test when we try to do our best,
But we’ll understand it better by and by.
By and by, when the morning comes,
When the saints of God are gathered home,
We will tell the story how we’ve overcome;
We will understand it better by and by.
I will never settle for less in Jesus name.
Praise God! I will always settle for God’s best, never-the-less. And I know His thoughts for are for my good, never for evil, to give me a future, and hope!
Indeed he is not man that he should lie nor repent ,for his word shall not go back to him void but it shall accomplish his good and perfect will for my life and family Amen.
Yes, of course He cannot lie. He is a covenant keeping God and His plan for me is for good and not for evil. I can always trust Him.