Our Daily Manna ODM 13th September 2024

CLICK HERE FOR BASIC SCRIPTURE Prayers and Declarations For 13 September 2024
There is the story of a blind man who was visited by his friend. Upon entering the house, the blind man switched on the light. The friend who was shocked then asked: “Why did you put on the light yet you can’t see?” He laughed for a long time then switched off the light and went to the kitchen. After a short while, he came with a pot of tea and eggs, placed them perfectly well on the table and switched on the light again. What he said was a bombshell that can break any heart! He said: “I did not put on the light for my own sake or because I needed it; I did it for you because you needed it since you are not blind like me.” Then he still continued speaking and asked his friend: “How many times have you switched off the light for other people and denied them an opportunity to see light just because you yourself do not need it? How many times have you put off your light and denied others an opportunity to see the light while they are in darkness?” Why would you let your accounts grow to millions and even billions while your brother’s child is going barefooted? Why would you put clothes you don’t wear in the bin while someone out there is almost going naked? Why would food rot in your house while there is someone out there sleeping hungry? Why will you see a business opportunity and hide it without sharing with your friends when you know you won’t use it? Each of the questions above is equivalent to switching “Off The Light.” Vs. 27 of today’s Word says: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” These are the things the Holy Ghost wants you to do daily! Hear H. Jackson Brown Jr.: “Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others.” I hear a voice saying: “Please turn on the lights you switched Off.” Be a blessing and blessings will not cease from your home, family and ministry! Pray seriously now!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.
- In your own words, pray about today’s WORD as led now.
- LORD, I want to be like Jesus in my life! Use me, break me,
mould and refine me for Your use! Make me a GREAT LIGHT
SWITCH FOR THIS WORLD! - Genesis 12: 1-12; Lord, make me a blessing to this generation
as You told my papa Abraham. Help me to switch on the light
for others in their areas of need. - SCATTER LOSSES OF EVERY TYPE! There shall be no loss
(Pray it for 7 days). - Pray in Tongues! Pray about today as led now.