Our Daily Manna Today 17 June 2022 FREEDOM IS NOT FREE -1!

Our Daily Manna Today 17 June 2022


Our Daily Manna ODM 15 March 2022 odmdaily.com
Our Daily Manna ODM


Vs. 13 of today’s Word says: “For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” The word “liberty” in the above scripture means “FREEDOM.” The above scripture (paraphrased), is saying: “DON’T ABUSE YOUR FREEDOM IN CHRIST!” In today’s world, everybody wants freedom. Servants want freedom from their masters, children and wards want freedom from their parents, citizens want freedom from tyrannical and anti-citizen governments. During the slave trade era and colonial invasion, people had to fight their way to freedom. If you have not been under any form of slavery, you won’t appreciate a life of freedom. However, freedom is dangerous in the hands of those who don’t know how to use it. Unbridled freedom can create chaos. Our Daily Manna Today 17 June 2022

There is a reason why children are not accorded full privileges and freedom like adults. The reason is because with freedom comes responsibility. Yes, freedom is not free, freedom is responsibility! The Word says: “We have been called unto freedom.” But here is the flip side: “Only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” That means do not say because you are saved you cannot go to hell! That means, NEVER BELIEVE – ONCE SAVED FOREVER SAVED! That also means DO NOT SIN DELIBERATELY BECAUSE GOD IS MERCIFUL! Dennis. De Haan penned: “Freedom doesn’t give us the right to do what we please, but to do what pleases God.” And what the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is: WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING! Freedom is not free! To stay free, be vigilant, never postpone your prayer and Word times, forgive someone, give to God your treasures and work out your freedom with holiness/daily staying alone with God! For ODM soft copy, see Page 33 for details!

REMEMBER, THIS IS THE MONTH OF MERCY! Sow a SEED OF MERCY into UBA ACCT NO. 1021784230. ACCT NAME: ODM MERCY OUTREACH or any account on page 29 of this booklet to help our visitation to Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly Homes, etc. Sow your MERCY SEED and do a CHARITY WORK this month!

Our Daily Manna Today 17 June 2022


PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Blessed assurance…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
  2. Repent from ways in which you have compromised your
    freedom today.
  3. I determine to work out my salvation daily with fear and
    trembling in Jesus name.
  4. Lord, help me to use my liberty in Christ to be a blessing to
    others today and always in Jesus name.
  5. You powers working hard to rubbish my freedom and take
    me back to Egypt; scatter now in Jesus name (Pray it seriously
    till you have peace to stop).
  6. Pray about today seriously! Cancel an event that will make
    you to think of another source of power. Loose a DIVINE
    SURPRISE TESTIMONY! Pray about today generally as
    led now.

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