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Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018 – TOPIC: THE ANTS ARE COMING!-1

Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018



There is what is called, the AFFLICTIONS OF THE GOSPEL! As I was praying one morning, I was complaining to the LORD of how PEOPLE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME because I am a man of God. They feel that when they hurt you, you will easily forgive them once they or others plead on their behalf. In fact, one day I asked the LORD: “Why did You even call me at all WHEN THERE ARE BILLIONS praying and begging to be called in various prayer houses?”

Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018

Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018

I told Him, “If I was not a bishop, there are many legal things I could have done to these people who sometimes enjoy taking advantage of me and even scandalize (lie against) You, before they run away or apologize in tears that satan was the one who used them.” However, that morning, the LORD opened my eyes to today’s scripture Verses 8 and 9. Vs 8 says: “…but be thou a partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.” That means the GOSPEL has afflictions! WOW! True, the gospel means GOOD NEWS, but that good news also has AFFLICTIONS!

So, He encouraged me a lot that day as I was alone with 9: “…according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” Note the words: PURPOSE AND GRACE! Oh! That means I was called BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN (PURPOSE) and the GRACE I need for that PURPOSE was manufactured to go along with that purpose BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN!

It means that my destiny was chosen for me by God and He has seen my battles and victories before I was even born! It means that God knows your mistakes and your miracles before you were even born! You do not choose your crosses (trials) on this earth! They were chosen for you before you were born!

Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018

It also means to me that GRACE EXISTED BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN! Wow! No wonder the Bible says that Jesus was killed (slain) before the world began – Rev 13: 8. My God! Ah! Like sugar, it is your sweetness (your purpose) that attracts the ants (your enemies and battles). But God coats your sugar with GRACE to prevent it from being corrupted by the ANTS of this world! So as we continue tomorrow, rejoice and refuse to allow the ants to prevail!

HOW TO “SEDUCE” AND “ENTICE” MONEY TO YOU! HOW TO BREAK FINANCIAL BLOCKADES AND UNDERSTANDING THE HIDDEN SECRETS OF MONEY at THE LAGOS LEKKI SEPTEMBER ANOINTING SERVICE On Saturday September 22nd, 8.00am. VENUE: Oando or Chisco B/stop, Besides Oando Filling Station, 4th Roundabout, Lekki Lagos! Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take any worship song now.
1. Pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Thank you LORD for the gift of PURPOSE and the gift of GRACE! Pray about today seriously now! Loose FAVOUR!

3. The AFFLICTIONS of the gospel will not drown my faith! Our Daily ODM Devotional 20 September 2018 – TOPIC: THE ANTS ARE COMING!-1

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

Amen and amen

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