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Todays Daily Manna July 29th 2024 LORD, MAKE ME AN OPEN BIBLE!

Todays Daily Manna July 29th 2024


Bishop Chris minister with power
Bishop Chris minister with power

CLICK HERE TO READ Basic Scriptures 29th July 2024 Prayers and Declarations 

It has been observed that many hotels in several countries around the globe have a Bible in each room. Just open a drawer and you will find one. A missionary told a story of how in the hotel he lodged, he was surprised to see an open Bible placed conspicuosly on a table in the lobby. And when he got to his room, instead of the Bible being in a drawer, he found it lying open on a desk. What could have prompted the management to do so? I believe it was to draw people’s attention to the presence of God and His Word as they journeyed not only around the world, but also through life! The most important thing is not just reading the Bible, but keeping it open in our hearts. Do you know many people have their Bibles CLOSED by the lifestyles they live? They may place it right open on their desks or bedrooms, but it is CLOSED in their hearts! The Holy Ghost wants you to stop that! That action of keeping the Bible open in that hotel is symbolic – Keep the Bible open in your heart so that people can see the light through you. Yes, let your actions give evidence to the fact that you are meditating on God’s Word. D. C. McCasland wrote: “Since every life is an open book, let’s seek to demonstrate the love and power of God’s Word, the Bible, for everyone to see.” As you go out today/daily, always remember that “you are the only Bible some people in this careless world may ever read.” LIVE RIGHT!

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PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Onward Christian soldiers…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
  2. I decree that as I go out today and daily, THE BIBLE WILL
    NOT BE CLOSED in my life! Let people see Christ in all I do
    and say!
  3. O God, use my life as the gospel to sinners. Let them see
    Your goodness and seek to know You through me in Jesus
  4. Lord, make me Your open Bible to those I will come in
    contact with today/daily.
  5. Pray for pregnant women today; loose safe delivery now.
  6. Pray about today as you are led

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