War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20



Scripture Bullets: Isaiah 60: 1; Esther 6: 10-11

Isaiah 60:1; says, “Arise and shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.” When your season of shining and decoration arrives, nothing can stop you from shining and being decorated because heaven has declared it and the earth and forces that are responsible for your its manifestation must go ahead to fully enforce it in your favour. Wicked Haman, unaware of heavens decision to honour and decorate Mordecai, decided to seek permission from the king to hang him (Mordecai) but instead received the rudest shock and frustration of his life: Read Our Daily Manna Today

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20


War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20

He was commanded by the king to go and decorate Mordecai and announce his elevation and shining for all to hear and see. “Then the king said to Haman, ‘hurry, take the robe and the horse, as you have suggested, and do so to Mordecai the Jew who sits within the king’s gate! Leave nothing undone for all that you have spoken.’ So Han took the robe and the horse, arrayed Mordecai and led him on horseback through the city square, and proclaimed before him, ‘Thus shall it be done to a man whom the king delights to honour” (Esther 6: 10-11).

Our Daily Manna Prayer Points/Bullets (War Against Haman-13) 2018

Oh! Thank you Jesus! I imagine Haman crying/weeping as he was decorating and changing Mordecai’s clothes/garment BECAUSE APART FROM THE DISGRACE, HE HAD SPENT/BUDGETED ABOUT 5 million pounds (E5M) paid into the king’s treasury in order to murder Haman! Receive this now: “AN ENEMY WILL DECORATE, ANNOUNCE AND DEFEND YOU THIS YEAR BY FORCE IN JESUS NAME!”Ah! An enemy shall suffer a BIG LOSS because of you.

A REMINDER ON WHY THE CHANGE-OF-GARMENT SEED IS CRUCIAL FOR YOU AND ON BEHALF OF OTHERS! HAMAN BUDGETED ABOUT E5 MILLION POUNDS TO HANG MORDECAI! (ESTHER 3:9; 4:7)! Yes! Haman paid lots of money (ten thousands talents of silver) – about E5 million in today’s in order to disgrace MORDECAI!

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20

Do you know that your enemies and sowing lots of time, money to native doctors and resources in order to rubbish your destiny this year? You will also sow a DECORATION SEED to counter every enemy’s plan! Esther sowed that seed on behalf of Mordecai through the BANQUET SHE ORGANIZED FOR THE KING! It was in that expensive Banquet that Haman was judged! It is now your turn! SOW FOR OTHERS! This is your year! Amen!
Friday January 26th is a prophetic night! Pray the prayers below and let Haman know YOU MUST SHINE this year and beyond.

War Against Haman -13 Scripture and Prayer Bullets

1. Isaiah 42:10; LORD, I hallow and praise your name for your mercy and faithfulness over me and household all through last year.
2. Vs 10; Father, I sing this song of praise to honour You LORD for Your provision, protection and preservation over my life.
3. I shall shine this year; you barrier programmed against my shining, scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
4. Ephesians 6:12; You power to keep me in obscurity, in the name of Jesus name, whither now by fire and thunder.

Our Daily Manna 2018

5. Isaiah 25:7; I shall be decorated; you evil cloud cast over me to stop my shining, scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
6. O anti-shining spirit and powers, receive fire and perish now in the name of Jesus.
7. My Father, my Father, I shall shine this year; Oh, let t the enemies of my shining die now be fire and thunder.
8. I shall shine, I shall be decorated this year; O destiny destroyers, die this year by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
9. Isaiah 30:30; I shall shine this year; you satanic embargo placed on destiny, scatter, scatter and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
10. Vs 30; I shall shine brighter this year; O satanic covering cast over my shining, scatter, scatter and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.

11. I shall shine brighter this year; you satanic structure mounted to cage my advancement in life and in ministry, scatter, scatter and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
12. I shall shine financially this year; you satanic injunction placed on my greatness, , be lifted by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
13. I shall shine this year; enemies of my faithfulness, be paralyzed now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
14. I shall shine and be decorated this year; O enemies of my marital quest, die now by fire and thunder.
15. I shall shine this year; you spell of shame and reproach, scatter in the name of Jesus.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 25th January 2018

16. Esther 6:11; O God that decorated and made Mordecai to shine, do the same to me this by fire and thunder.
17. Esther 7 :10; Just like You did to Mordecai LORD, make my enemies to die their death this year in Jesus name.
18. I shall shine, I shall be decorated; you root of poverty and stagnation, be destroyed now by earthquake and fire in Jesus name.

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20

19. Isaiah 60:1; I shall shine, I shall be decorated; O glory of God rest upon me now in Jesus name.
20. Vs 1; I shall shine, I shall be decorated; O light of my shining, overshadow now in Jesus name.
21. Doors of decoration and shining, spring open for me now by fir and thunder in Jesus name. War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 19 And Day 20

Special Invitation – You are Invited To Our Daily Manna Change of Garment Night 2018

22. I shall shine, I shall be decorated; O LORD, visit my projects with Your favour this year in Jesus name.
23. Rev. 12:11; I shall shine, I shall be decorated; O BLOOD of the Lamb, prevail for me this year in Jesus name.

24. Isaiah 25:7; O veil of failure spread over me and my calling, your end is here, now catch fire; I must shine and be decorated this year in Jesus name. You network of evil men and women, working to prevent my decoration and shining, receive confusion and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
25. I shall be decorated; O my helpers, locate me this year by fire in Jesus name.
26. ; I shall shine, I shall be decorated; LORD, connect me my partners this year in Jesus name.
27. Isaiah 43:19; LORD, do a new thing in my life, family and ministry this year; I shall shine, I shall be decorated by fire.
28. Joel 2:25; LORD, restore my losses. ; I must shine; I must be decorated this year by fire in Jesus name.

29. Psalm 118: 25; I shall shine, I shall be decorated; LORD, send prosperity now in the name of Jesus.
30. I cannot remain like this; LORD, decorate me this year by fire.
31. I cannot longer be stopped; LORD, decorate me this year, I must shine by fire.
32. I shall not be left behind, I must shine this year; O LORD, decorate me by fire.


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Louisa Chukwudi
Louisa Chukwudi
7 years ago

Go evening Daddy. Please what time is the CHANGE OF GARMENT SERVICE starting. I have being participating on the fasting and praying.

How will I connect online on LIVE STREAM. I am a Nigerian but traveled to USA for medical treatment. I have being on DIALYSIS since AUGUST 2016 that I arrived USA as a rexult of my LAST STAGE OF MY KUDNEY FAILURE. The doctors said I should go for TRANSPLANT. My family is imaking arrangements to take me to INDIA, Because I can not have it dine in USA bcos I don’t have insurance. As it stand now I can not travel out of here till proper arrangements to INDIA bcos of the DIALYSIS to avoid EXCESS FLUID RETENTION.

DADDY please lift me up to God in prayers for divine healing from DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND LAST STAGE OF KIDNEY FAILURE . I believe I will receive my divine healing IF YOU PRAY FOR ME DADDY. I have read so many testimonies here and I know I will be DECORATED FOR MY TESTIMONIES.

Thanks and God bless you daddy in Jesus name Amen.

Grace Opaluwa
Grace Opaluwa
7 years ago

How can i watch the change of garment night live?

Naa Sackey
Naa Sackey
7 years ago
Reply to  Grace Opaluwa

Help me watch tonight’s change of garment decoration night since I couldn’t travel to Nigeria

7 years ago
Reply to  Naa Sackey

I am deeply sorry for those who were not able to watch it on ourdailymanna.org Next time we need to make arrangement to do it via youtube

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