Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018


BASIC SCRIPTURES: Ecclesiastes 10:1-12

I have known for many years that the EAGLE does not fight the snake on the ground. It picks it up into the sky and CHANGES the battleground, and then releases the snake into the sky. The snake has no stamina, no power and no balance in the air because that is not its terrain. It is useless, weak and vulnerable unlike on the ground where it is powerful, wise and deadly! Learn from the EAGLE! Never fight your enemies in their terrain this year! Also read Our Daily Manna 20 February 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018


Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018

Take your fight into the spiritual realm by PRAYER AND THE WORD and when you are in that spiritual realm, God takes over your battles in the 3rd heavens where Satan cannot reach- Satan dwells and operates in the 1st and 2nd heaven while your God is in the 3rd heaven! Powerful! Don’t fight the enemy in its comfort zone! CHANGE the battleground like the EAGLE and let God take charge. Each time you keep malice against others, you are fighting in the territory of your enemies because malice and bitterness are satanic properties.

Our Daily Manna 2018

Each time you fornicate in order to get a husband, you are fighting in the territory of the devil! Each time you falsify figures in your office or anywhere in order to get wealth, you are fighting poverty in the territory of the enemy! Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018

ODM Prayer Points

Each time you commit or live in adultery, you are fighting emotional defeat via satanic territory and you can never win that battle. Each time you speak against your pastor or leaders or falsely accuse others, you are fighting the devil in his own territory (he has a Ph.D. in rebellion). Each time you refuse to pay your tithe or you are stingy in sowing your seed, you are fighting stagnation and lack in the territory of the devil. Each time you hurry outside the will of God e.g. seeking another power, you are contending with the devil in his own territory.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018

the Lord is showing me right now 286 pastors who are seeking for other sources of power for their ministry growth. The Lord says four of them will run mad except they turn back to Him Oh! No matter what is happening, wait upon the Lord this year! Stay within the edge and the serpent will not bite you because you are living on EAGLES wings! Pray now! Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018

THE LAGOS MOUNTAIN FEBRUARY SERVICE IS AT OGUDU This Sunday February 25th. Time: 8am. Theme WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS MUST DIE! Come with your anointing oil or any point of contact. Something great is about to HAPPEN! Call: + 234-706- 3324-784, + 234-909-0393-966 for more information. Pastors have priority!

The Asaba Anointing Service 2018 Live Streaming

PRAYER POINT: Take your best worship song to God.
Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led.
Repent from any way in which you have secretly or publicly deviated from the edge.
Holy Ghost, help me not to fight Satan in his territory. Help me not to break the hedge in Jesus name.
Pray about today seriously and any other issues affecting your peace. Our Daily Manna Devotional 21 February 2018


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