Daily Manna Devotional 8th April 2024

Click Here To Read BASIC SCRIPTURES 8th April 2024
Welcome to another glorious time in the presence of the Lord. Let’s start with this simple question: “Why are rivers crooked – NOT STRAIGHT ALWAYS?” It’s because they follow the path of least resistance. That is the same thing that makes men crooked. When you get into the habit of doing things only when it’s easy, you will never develop the character that sustains success. You will be crooked, and people will soon find out. On the path to success, a lot of temptations and easy paths will open up to you. You will do well to refuse those opportunities. Joseph had one presented to him when Potiphar’s wife started tempting him. It was a fast track to freedom, and it offered very little resistance. But he knew that it was also a fast track to destruction. As a young shepherd boy in the wilderness, David had lots of opportunity to follow the path of least resistance. Every time those wild animals came to attack his sheep, he could have run into the village to cry for help. No one would have blamed him. After all, he was a young boy. BUT HE REFUSED TO TURN HIS BACK. He faced animals at every opportunity, rescued lambs, and killed wild animals. Refusing to follow the path of least resistance developed him and when the day came to face a wild human being, by the name Goliath, he was ready. That was Joseph’s story! When his brothers came to apologise for all their wickedness, he told them, “You meant to do me harm, but God turned it around for good.”
PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 2: Great is Thy faithfulness…
- Father, let every crookedness in my life be made straight by
the power of Your Holy Ghost. - I refuse to follow the path of least resistance! I shall follow
through with determination, courage and integrity! - Father, prepare me for Your glory; prepare me for victory,
let me not cut short my preparation phase in Jesus name. - I receive strength to persist and prevail in thename of Jesus.
- Lord, let every evil intention against me be turned around
for good. - Pray in Tongues now. Pray about today now.
Daily Manna Devotional 8th April 2024 THE JOSEPH AND DAVID SECRET!