Our daily Manna Devotional November 8, 2017

Our daily Manna Devotional November 8, 2017



Welcome to today’s devotional encounter with the God who creates the miracles that will make men to ask you “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?”


Our daily Manna Devotional November 8, 2017


Our Daily Manna Devotional November 8, 2017

He is the God who produces the favour that brings confusion to your enemies and performs ACCELERATION that cannot be stopped! This God is the manufactures of prosperity that is beyond human explanation! He is the WAY MAKER and the giver of the GLORY that swallows up shame! Oh! THE GOD OF THE SLING AND THE STONE OF DAVID! Yes! He is the REPROACH STOPPER and the HONOUR ANOUNCER!


When you feel unlovable, unworthy and unclean, when you think that no one can heal you, remember friend, God can! When you think that you are unforgivable, for your guilt and for your shame, remember friend, God can! When you think all is hidden and no one can see within, remember friend God can! And when you have reached to the bottom and gotten to the end of the road, never quit because, God can!

ODM Daily Devotional November 7, 2017

God never promise a life without pain, or laughter without tears or sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. Never give up! Gid can and God will do what no man can do for your life, family and ministry. Kevin Costner dropped the following sparks: “I am big fan of dreams! Unfortunately, dreams face battles. People seem to give them up quicker than anything for a reality.”

As 2017 is ending and 2018 begins, God is sending me to plead with you again never to give up! He is saying, “I can do it! I will do it in your due season. Trust me!” Read the Basic Scripture again later! Just as Israel was taken out of SHAME, and DISGRACE by just a STONE and a SLING, you will NEVER end up in ARENA OF SHAME nor become a tenant of the valley of REPROACH! The God of David is still on duty and He will do a thing that will make the world to ask you: Ah! How did this happen? Your God is too great! Amen and amen and amen! Pray now!

Our Daily Manna Devotional ODM Daily

PRAYER POINTS: Take a song of worship as led.
1. I your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
2. Lord God, who disgraced Goliath, baptize me with the miracle of “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?” In Jesus name!
3. Uproot discouragement today! Blind depression!
4. Pray about today as led now and declaring prophecy over any other issue affecting your life.


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