Our Daily Manna 22 November 2018

Our Daily Manna 22 November 2018


Basic Scriptures: Numbers 23: 7-24; Isaiah 49: 23

Welcome to another change of garment hour! Never forget that with the God you serve, all things are possible. I am led again to use the devotional because someone needs today’s message URGENTLY:

Our Daily Manna 22 November 2018

Our Daily Manna 22 November 2018

A boy was sitting on a park bench with one hand resting on Exodus 12 and was shouting, “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, God is great.” Then came a professor – a scientist, to the boy. He asked the boy about the reason for his excitement. The boy started laughing again and said, “God opened up the waves of the Red Sea and let the whole nation of Israel right through the middle. Oh my God is great!” Read here – ODM Daily 21 Nov. 2018 – “STOP THE TORMENTORS NOW!

The professor sharply replied and tried to disprove the Red Sea story by saying that modern scientific research has shown that the Red Sea that the Jews had crossed, was only 10 inches deep at that time. The boy was confused a little but the Holy Spirit flashed a great idea across his spirit. He said, “Oh professor, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, my God is really awesome. He is greater than I thought. Not only did he lead the whole nation of Israel through the Red Sea, He capped it all by drowning the best army in the world then – the Egyptian army in ten-inches of water. Oh, thank you professor for this scientific confirmation of the vast power of my God.”

Our Daily Manna 22 November 2018

The professor covered his face in shame and escaped into the crowd. God is reminding you that even when the floods of life surround you and if problems have multiplied like a flood, GOD CANNOT LIE (1st scripture Vs 23)! He is still God! As 2018 crawls into its cutting line, never forget that fact: God is not a man that He should lie! He said that they that wait on Him will not be ashamed – (Isaiah 49: 23). That Verse is talking about you! Your faith in this God called JEHOVAH will be rewarded – No matter how long it takes and your life shall be called, “The 21st Century Miracle of the Red Sea!” Hold on! Never, never give up!

The Lagos anointing service is Saturday November 24th. Venue is Ogudu, Theme: “THIS RED SEA MUST DRY UP.”

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song in your native tongue.
1. Decree that you must not dwell in doubt, depression or self-pity.

2. Pray about that issue(s) provoking sleepless nights again. Place it in HIS Hands ad trust Him.
3. If you are married, pray that prayer points 220-225 → CLICK HERE  of the 402 Prayer Points’ section. Check page 16 now → CLICK HERE  and receive all-round fruitfulness and marital settlement!

4. Pray about today and any other prayer(s) as led.
WARNING: Nowadays, most Christians prefer love feasts and music to evangelism or prayer meetings. Don’t join them! Your case must be different. Don’t give up on this duty!


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

ELOHOM…2018 has been hell for me…I don’t even know how my son is surviving in school…I dont know how I will pay for all my debts….I don’t know how I will pay for my fees. ..I don’t know how I will clear my debts…GOD of Isaac and Abraham. ..I cry to you for help ans a breakthrough. ..am worn out…..am tired. …my GOD…Am just a single parent with 3 kids. Hear my cry…please. .

6 years ago


6 years ago

2018 I DID NOT know how i got admission how am surviving in school but i wake up every morning and i say thank you God for my life. i know my testimony is coming just delaying. My father I call on you let me confuse my enemies.

Grace dedo
Grace dedo
6 years ago

I m sick, tried all medical means, done many lab tests but all to no avail. I believe it’s only God that can heal me. Help me to call on the God of ODM to heal me so that my faith does not fade out.

Jenala ngwira
6 years ago

God of love,plz forgive me and may every woman that I have gone out with their husband’s to forgive.I did it all for sexual pleasure nd I knew that wat I was doing was not right.it was all in the name of providing for my son. God may you be the centre of me and my family’s life.amen

6 years ago

ODM have really bless my life, especially today’s topic ,i am feeling depressed and have cried all the night but waking this morning to the topic :THE MIRACLE OF THE 10INCHES WATER!!!!is really a blessing

Felicia Allison B.
Felicia Allison B.
6 years ago


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