Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019 – THE BATTLE OF CITIZENSHIP – 1

Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019



In what would be the most dramatic move yet in his hard-line immigration campaign, President Trump, has planned to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil. The president says he wants to sign an executive order ending the practice of giving citizenship to those who are popularly called “anchor babies.”

Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019
odm 2019 devotional

Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, written in 1868, states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Trump insists that the words, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof means that he can change the law without amending the Constitution and can do so with an executive order! 7.5% of all births in the U.S. (about 300,000 per year) are illegal immigrants. And about 4.5 million American citizens under

Age 18 are born to illegals. Only about 30 countries, including Canada, guarantee some sort of birthright citizenship, known as “JUS SOLI” (right of the ;rant citizenship based on the principle of “JUS SOLI” SANGUINS” (right of the blood) – where children can only inherit citizenship from their parents, not their birthplace. For example, India abolished “JUS SOLI” in 2004 when thousands of illegal immigrants entered the country from Bangladesh. Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019 – THE BATTLE OF CITIZENSHIP – 1

So as the nations of the world are debating IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS, the Holy Ghost wants to use today’s devotional to remind you that YOU ARE A CITIZEN OF a better country – heaven. Your Citizenship is after the order of “DIVINE JUS SANGUINIS” because it came THROUGH THE RIGHT OF THE BLOOD of your, unbeatable Father God! You got Born Again and no man or power can BAN your citizenship in Christ!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019

See Colossians 3:1 — “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.” Your passport to heaven is stamped, CITIZEN’ through “JUS SANGUINIS” the minute you accepted Jesus as your Savior…(More in tomorrow’s devotional encounter).

Today is the UK Tele-Conference ANOINTING SERVICE! Call: +443309981254. ACCESS CODE: 809720#. Time is Sam UK time. Bishop Dr Chris will be on the line to MINISTER! Others can call in! Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019 – THE BATTLE OF CITIZENSHIP – 1

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 4: My hope is built…
1. Pray about today’s word generally as led now.
2. Lord Jesus of Nazareth, thank you for sharing Your RIGHTS AS the SON and HEIR of ALL CREATION with me!

3. I am a CITIZEN of heaven and I am here as an AMBASSADOR! Therefore I resist every satanic plan to push my FOCUS from my FINAL HOME! Our Daily Manna Devotional 16 February 2019 – THE BATTLE OF CITIZENSHIP – 1

4. Satan, I became a CITIZEN through “JUS SANGUINIS” – THE BLOOD OF JESUS! Therefore I decree: THE BLOOD of Jesus Christ is against you TODAY and indeed this year! The BLOOD is your STOPPER and BLOCKER in Jesus name.


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago


Mercy Mukupa
Mercy Mukupa
6 years ago


Ifeyinwa Aniekwe
Ifeyinwa Aniekwe
6 years ago

Amen and Amen

6 years ago


Gloria Adodo
Gloria Adodo
6 years ago


Tony Eze
Tony Eze
6 years ago

Amen Amen .

6 years ago

Too many adds, you don’t know if it’s ended or there’s more. Not cool????

6 years ago

I and my family are blessed with your spiritual words! May God continue to strengthen you and move your ministry higher Sir.

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