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Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July – September 2022

Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July – September 2022

Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July - September 2022
Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July – September 2022

‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

1 ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
and to take him at his word;
just to rest upon his promise,
and to know, “Thus saith the Lord.”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him!
How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust him more!

2 O how sweet to trust in Jesus,
just to trust his cleansing blood;
and in simple faith to plunge me
neath the healing, cleansing flood! [Refrain]

3 Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
just from sin and self to cease;
just from Jesus simply taking
life and rest, and joy and peace. [Refrain]

Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July – September 2022

2 Higher Ground

1 I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining ev’ry day;
Still praying as I’m onward bound,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

Lord, lift me up, and let me stand
By faith, on heaven’s tableland;
A higher plane than I have found,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

2 My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where these abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground. [Refrain]

3 I want to live above the world,
Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught a joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground. [Refrain]

4 I want to scale the utmost height,
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found,
“Lord, lead me on to higher ground.” [Refrain]

Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July – September 2022

3 When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder

1 When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more,
And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair;
When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,
And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.

When the roll is called up yonder,
When the roll is called up yonder,
When the roll is called up yonder,
When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.

2 On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise,
And the glory of his resurrection share;
When his chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies,
And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. [Refrain]

3 Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun;
Let us talk of all his wondrous love and care.
Then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done,
And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. [Refrain]


Our Daily Manna ODM Hymns July – September 2022

Our daily manner devotional is written by Pastor Chris Kwakpovwe, who is the
founder and senior Pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide. This is a
spiritual material that has been a big blessing to many people all around the world.
Therefore, try to ensure you get ODM Devotional July 2022 (Our Daily Manner
Devotional July 2022).

Once you have made the decision to fly with such a devotional like our daily manner,
you will be doing yourself a whole lot of good. You are receiving the appropriate
nourishments that you really need to flourish and be well-to-do. You are encouraged
to know the perfect Will of God for your life and subscribe to that which is God’s
perfect Will for you.

ODM Devotional July 2022 can help you receive great things from God. Don’t forget
that these words you read from the devotional are sent from God who is your Father.
They are helpful and will be a big blessing to you too. One of the prominent things
you can expect is an increase in your faith level.

Do you know that if you are faithful with ODM Devotional July 2022, God can take
advantage of the messages to increase your faith level? Yes, and it’s one of the
reasons we should give great attention to spiritual materials of this sort.

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