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  1. Vs. 7; LORD, give me a DIVINE SURPRISE PACKAGEthat is bigger than me and my family until we cry, “IT IS ENOUGH”in Jesus name.
  2. Vs. By the first fish anointing, my life and ministry shall attract a bountiful harvest that will affect those around me for good in 2022 in Jesus name.
  3. Matthew 7-27:”…go thou to the sea, and cast a hook…”This 2022, I reject laziness and procrastination due to past failures. I will go to the sea this year, and there shall be harvest in Jesus name.

32.Vs.27; Satan you are a liar, I am going back to sea – my work, job, career and business struggle is over, the FIRST FISH ANOINTING is working for me  by fire in Jesus  name.

33 Vs. 27; O Lord, as I CAST MY HOOK-toil, work, labour and invest again this year, O God, SURPRISE ME with my own miracle fish Jesus name.

34 Vs.27; O you my fish, what are you waiting for? Locate MY HOOK- this January, February, March, April, May etc, NO MORE fruitless toil I Jesus name.

35 Vs. 27;“…and take up the fish that first cometh up…” God of the “FIRST FISH ANOINTING”, provoke sudden surprise, sudden answers, sudden progress, sudden success and sudden promotion for me and my household by fire in Jesus name.

36 VS. 27; My Father, my Father, this is my year of the “FIRST FISH:”I reject the second, third, fourth, and fifth fish etc, and I Curse unproductive labor now in Jesus name.

37 By the “ANOINTING OF THE FIRST FISH,”I break the cycle of repeated fruitless labour now by fire and thunder.

38 Powers of THOU SHALL NOT EXCEL, working with marine powers to sabotage my efforts in 2022, run mad now in Jesus name.

39 Vs. 27;”…thou shalt find a piece of money…” O my money, wherever you are, North, South, East and West, I loose you now to locate my address in Jesus name.

  1. Vs. 27; This year, money shall meet money in my hands; financial lack is cursed by fire in Jesus name.

41 Vs. 27; The first fish anointing is working for me this year. Every financial embarrassment waiting to rubbish my prayer and fasting and turn me into a laughing stock, scatter by fire in Jesus name.

42 Any fish holding my money and divine surprise financial explosion, NEVER AGAIN; vomit it, vomit it and vomit it now in Jesus name.

  1. Pray in TONGUES now as led!

44 Thank the LORD for answered prayers

45.1 Samuel 3:11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing In Israel, at which both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle.” O Lord, You are the final authority and every other authority emanates from you. You mean what you say and you say what will TINGLE the world. Make out of me a mystery, and a wonder. Let my life and destiny shock my haters this year. Let their ears TINGLE

blow Open, shatter their eardrums, shake their ears with my divine surprise visitation. Ah! Let my divine surprise make my enemies nervous and dumbfounded. The more they look, the less they will see and he less they look, the more they will see Your power, mercy, goodness favour and greatness. This 2022, let my success story, my marital story, my financial story, my career etc blow the minds of my adversaries in Jesus name.

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