OUR DAILY MANNA ODM Devotional July 2022

ODM Devotional July 2022

July 2022 is here again. You know, year 2022 has been a blessing with God with us,
and we are grateful for the availability of powerful devotionals like our daily manner –
ODM Devotional. These are spiritual materials that have been a blessing to numerous
lives all around the world. And you can keep taking advantage of these blessings to
continue moving forward in all you do.


ODM Today
Our Daily Manna Bishop quote

You should note that July 2022 is a month you should resolve to get closer to God so
He can use you for His purposes. Listen, I don’t care what predictions people have
been making as touching this month. The fact remains that God has good plans for
everyone of us this month and beyond. You know what the LORD is saying this
month? He is saying He knows the thoughts that He thinks towards us. Indeed, they
are thoughts of peace and not of evil, and He is determined to give us a good end.
The truth is, God is always working things to work for our lives. God is always saying
good and wonderful things about us. He has been saying good things about you before
you were born, and even till now, He is still saying good and pleasant things to you.
So, in July 2022, always remember that God will continue to be good, and He won’t
stop saying good things concerning you and all that is yours.
When God is working to make July 2022 a blessed one for you, you should know that
you have your duty to play here. You have to cooperate and connect with what He is
doing by faith, so you can see the manifestation in your life. Therefore, it is very
advisable that you give great attention to things that can help you grow in the Spirit,
giving attention to the loving words God is speaking concerning you. This is one of
the reasons we are recommending devotionals like ODM Devotional – our daily

Our daily manner devotional is written by Pastor Chris Kwakpovwe, who is the
founder and senior Pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide. This is a
spiritual material that has been a big blessing to many people all around the world.
Therefore, try to ensure you get ODM Devotional July 2022 (Our Daily Manner
Devotional July 2022).

Once you have made the decision to fly with such a devotional like our daily manner,
you will be doing yourself a whole lot of good. You are receiving the appropriately
nourishments that you really need to flourish and be well-to-do. You are encouraged
to know the perfect Will of God for your life and subscribe to that which is God’s
perfect Will for you.

ODM Devotional July 2022 can help you receive great things from God. Don’t forget
that these words you read from the devotional are sent from God who is your Father.
They are helpful and will be a big blessing to you too. One of the prominent things
you can expect is an increase in your faith level.

Do you know that if you are faithful with ODM Devotional July 2022, God can take
advantage of the messages to increase your faith level? Yes, and it’s one of the
reasons we should give great attention to spiritual materials of this sort.

If you want to maximize God this month, then you must increase in your faith in Him.
Faith is always very pivotal in our walk with the LORD. It is therefore important that
as children of God, we keep growing in faith. The more faith we have in the LORD,
the more we get to enjoy His blessings in our walk with Him.
Do you want to experiences God’s blessings abundantly in July 2022? Then you must
have great faith in His Name. Consider our fathers, the likes of Abraham and Moses
and the rest. They were able to live great lives of blessings because they decided to
subscribe to the faith walk, and trusted God all through the way. They walked in great
faith, and God never failed them for once.

These things which our fathers walked greatly in, which we read in the scriptures, are
available to us too today. These great blessings which our fathers experienced while at
their own days, are available to us too. We too can benefit greatly from them and
excel greatly in all that we do. We just have to walk in faith like they did, and rely
totally on God in this time too.
Therefore, in July 2022, see to it that you walk in great faith and trust God like never
before. God is always good and faithful, and the truth is that He will never fail you.
Since He didn’t failed the fathers, then He won’t fail you too. Therefore, you can have
great faith in God and you will live a pure life of victory and success.

Hence, reading spiritual materials like ODM Devotional July 2022 can be very
helpful in increasing your faith. Therefore, as much as possible, see to it that you are
seeking the LORD in all you do. Engage spiritual materials like our daily manner
daily devotional, and you will be blessed. Not only is it that you will be blessed, but
you will be a blessing to the world too. By so doing, you will be able to give glory to
the LORD, who alone is deserving of all praise.

In conclusion, don’t forget the things we have been saying in this discourse about our
daily manner for the month of July 2022. The point is, ODM Devotional in the month
of July is available for you already, and you should get it. Ensure your heart is opened
as you engage each of the messages for the month. Most importantly, don’t merely be
a reader of these things, but see to it that you are being encouraged to walk perfectly
in line with God’s perfect Will for you. God has blessed July 2022 for your sake. In
Jesus Name. Amen.

CONTINUE TO- ODM Devotional August 2022


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