ODM Everyday Devotional 16 August 2019
Basic scripture: 2 SAMUEL 6: 1-11
Some years ago, in her fight against WEIGHT GAIN (OBESITY), the city of Philadelphia in USA passed a “soda tax” – a US $1 tax on a typical 2-litre bottle of soft drink! But the citizens/residents didn’t lose weight or cut calories as a result of the tax on sweetened drinks, neither was there a shift towards any healthier option.
ODM Everyday Devotional 16 August 2019
Instead, most PHILADELPHIANS just drove outside the city to buy the same drinks, from stores where they didn’t have to pay the tax. Gosh! The result was that the poorest people – who could not afford to drive outside the city to buy their drinks, paid more! In the end, the city suffered a loss of revenue due to lower sales whereas the lower section of society paid more!
This is another example of an unintended consequence for a well-intentioned idea! Likewise, because you are human, sometimes, your well planned goals do not produce results! I know of believers who married early to avoid fornication, but alas, they made marital mistakes due to limited knowledge on what marriage was all about! They meant well, but failed! ODM Everyday Devotional 16 August 2019 – THE PHILADELPHIA SODA TAX!
I also know of believers who made financial mistakes despite the fact that their goal was to become kingdom financiers and financial pillars in the house of God! I know of a Christian sister who went back to her marriage in the name of forgiving an abusive husband, but today, she is dead! She died two weeks after returning to her home! She had good intentions but the consequence was deadly!
ODM Everyday Devotional 16 August 2019 – THE PHILADELPHIA SODA TAX!
Uzzah had good intentions/motives for touching the ARK OF GOD! He wanted to save the ark from damage! But his good intention led to his grave internment! Oh life! Do you know that even renowned and brilliant companies/ nations make mistakes? Arise today and ask the LORD to turn even MISTAKE of GOOD INTENTION to your SUPER STORY MIRACLE! I hear the sound of abundance of rain! I hear the sound of the rain of RESTORATION and NEW LAUGHTER! Amen and amen! Pray now!
ODM Everyday Devotional 16 August 2019
Wow! Follow me on my personal instaqram handle -@ourdailymanna_bishopchris, my Facebook PAGE: bishop chris kwakpovwe ODM and personal Twitter: ODM_DrChris, ODM official instagram handle @ourdailymannaonline, Facebook official: our daily manna, Twitter: TweetODM
PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. LORD GOD, keep me from the MISTAKE OF UZZAH in my life, family and ministry in Jesus name (Pray it for 3 days seriously).
- Lord God, turn my past failures, mistakes, errors or BACKFIRED DECISIONS to fortune in Jesus name.
Holy Ghost, pour upon me THE RAIN of RESTORATION in Jesus name. ODM Everyday Devotional 16 August 2019 – THE PHILADELPHIA SODA TAX!
My MAKER, do GREAT THINGS from every BITTER STORY OF MY LIFE, family and ministry in Jesus name.
- Lord God of DAVID, show me MERCY and restore ALL my lost favour!
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