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Our Daily Manna 2019 September Day 14 – YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR WORLD!

Our Daily Manna 2019 September Day 14



A wonderful poet many years ago, wrote: If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, don’t. If you like to win and succeed but you think you can’t, it is almost certain, you won’t. If you think you are outclassed, you are! You’ve got to THINK HIGH to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself, before you can win a prize.

Our Daily Manna 2019 September Day 14
new our daily manna 2019

Our Daily Manna 2019 September Day 14

Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But soon or later, the man who wins is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN! A key secret which heaven is depositing in your hands today is that: WHATEVER YOU WILL BECOME OR HAVE BECOME IS A PRODUCT OF YOUR THOUGHT-SYSTEM!

Our thoughts create our world! Today’s Basic Scripture in Verse 8, sends a warning on the thought or thinking system of a man or woman, that desires to climb the ladder of success. Listen and read it again! Hear B. Gautam: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.” Never forget that some are destined to succeed, while some are determined to succeed’ Wow!

Yes, God creates destinies, but you determine yourself to control your thoughts to succeed in that destiny. Why did about 6 million Jews die in the wilderness? It was because they thought they were grasshoppers! Ah, I prophesy: You will not die in the wilderness of life! No matter how 2019 has been, determine that your thinking pattern must change! Zig Ziglar said, “What you picture in your mind, your mind will accomplish for you.

Our Daily Manna 2019 September Day 14

When you change your pictures, you automatically change your performance.” Abraham did not get Isaac till He saw the stars of children – His thoughts had to change (Gen 15: 4-6)! Do not build up obstacles in your imagination! Resist low thinking, depression, self-pity, self-comparism, etc. Be Positive! Be determined to control your thoughts to succeed! Pray now!

It Takes A Year To Prepare For The January World Anointing Night. Let God Use You! People’s Testimonies Shall Provoke Your Own. Sow Your World Anointing Night Seed To: Manna Miracle Mountain Ministry (Jwan) UBA Acct No: 1015310823 Or Into Any Account On Page 29 Of This Booklet

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship to God.
1 Uproot any negative thinking syndrome or habit.
2. Father, quicken my mind with Your fire and Word.

  1. I cancel by the Blood of Jesus all effects of my past negative thinking in Jesus name. Holy Ghost, saturate my thought with ideas of progress in Jesus name. 1 John 4:4: I Decree: The GREATER ONE is in me!

4 Pray for pregnant women and those believing God for children today and the next 3 days! Pray about today seriously.

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