Our Daily Manna ODM 03 July 2022

Our Daily Manna ODM 03 July 2022


ODM Back Cover 2022
ODM Back Cover 2022

Important Pages for ODM JULY 2022

FULL MESSAGE: Our Daily Manna ODM 03 July 2022

Few New years ago, there was a popular TV daily advert by one of the leading soft drink manufacturers! It said: “life goes on at the right price.” That was the anchor of their massive daily propaganda and it produced results. And truly, life that is good and worthy, goes on at the right price.

Many want a crown without a cross or roses without thorns or the glory without the story of waiting in pain. Jesus paid for our lives (our souls) at the right price (His own life and death). It’s better in anything you do, to cry now and cruise later, to pay now (hard work, prayers, fasting, daily Bible studies and devotion, tears, sleepless nights, vigil prayers, giving, forgiving, e.t.c.) and play ater. There is nothing like success without a sacrifice, gain without a pain. I once lived in a local council area of Lagos, Nigeria called “KOSOFE” – meaning, “Nothing is free.”  Listen: If you succeed without paying the price, it means somebody has paid it before you, but nothing good is free. Success in life, family, academics, ministry, or business, entails paying the price: sometimes, in years of toiling, praying, fasting and waiting. But at the end your price, your labour shall not be in vain. Our Daily Manna ODM 03 July 2022

Life and success goes on truly at the right price. Are you prepared to pay the price? Jesus did! Paul did (2 Timothy 4:7-8)! Esther did! When will you pay yours? Why are you so depressed and murmuring? Jerome Johnson once said, “What is written without effort is read without pleasure.” Oh! I can write volumes of books on that! Sometimes, for the past 25 years, I had to write this devotional even when I was in distress or pain of caring for others! At the initial stages of this devotional, there were times I wrote in bushes and even on the floor because I could not afford a hotel when my home was crowded/noisy! Pay the price and I hope to see you at the top by His GRACE because the principle of life is: “KOŠOFE.” Amen and amen!

(ODM is the best gift item for every event! Give it out and use it regularly)! Help someone to do the upcoming annual 14-day fasting programme (Sunday July 10th to Saturday 23rd 2022). Our Daily Manna ODM 03 July 2022

THEME: “OH! FINGER OF GOD; ARISE FOR ME!” TURN TO PAGE 108 of “War Against Haman-17″ booklet and pray: Prayers before any fasting programme. TONIGHT 8PM, LAGOSTIME-OPERATION-SETTLE-YOUR- WEEK WITH GOD! Via Via FACEBOOK ourdailymannaworldwide” & Youtube: Manna TV LIVE: International

PRAYER POINTS Take any song of worship as led.

  1. Pray on today’s devotional as it has touched you!

  2. LORD, give me the grace to pay the necessary price (praying, fasting, meditating on the Word, waiting on You, hard work, forgiveness, holiness, e.t.c) for Pray about today seriously now! my breakthrough.

YESTERDAY – Our Daily Manna ODM 2 July 2022

More About ODM JULY

Once you have made the decision to fly with such a devotional like our daily manner,
you will be doing yourself a whole lot of good. You are receiving the appropriately
nourishments that you really need to flourish and be well-to-do. You are encouraged
to know the perfect Will of God for your life and subscribe to that which is God’s
perfect Will for you.

ODM Devotional July 2022 can help you receive great things from God. Don’t forget
that these words you read from the devotional are sent from God who is your Father.
They are helpful and will be a big blessing to you too. One of the prominent things
you can expect is an increase in your faith level.

Do you know that if you are faithful with ODM Devotional July 2022, God can take
advantage of the messages to increase your faith level? Yes, and it’s one of the
reasons we should give great attention to spiritual materials of this sort.

Our Daily Manna ODM 03 July 2022


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