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Daily Manna Today 7 July 2019 – TOPIC: THE DINNER LESSON

Daily Manna Today 7 July 2019


Basic Scriptures: 1 Timothy 4: 12; 1 Corinthians 13: 1- 13

Like a story told by Patricia Butler Dyson years ago, I remember again as I sat with my wife and baby in a restaurant in Johannesburg, South Africa, a man with long hair and an untidy moustache, who slumped on a table near us. It was winter season! And from the look of his bulging overcoat, everything he owned was stuffed in his pockets.

Why You Should Pray Early In The Morning
Daily Manna Today 7 July 2019
  1. Daily Manna Today 7 July 2019

My little baby then (now a big girl), waved at him innocently and he flashed back a smile with his dented teeth. As we sat there wondering if this was one of the notorious Johannesburg ‘area boys’, one of the fellow diners like us, suddenly got up from his table where he too was having dinner with his family, walked over to the man and spoke to him, then went to have a chat with a waitress.

Minutes later, a huge plate of dinner surrounded by a mountain of fruits and a mug of fresh coffee arrived at the man’s table. He flashed a smile to his benefactor and immediately began to level out the ‘mountain’ of food. As this scenario played out, the Holy Ghost whispered to me: “An Hour-long Sermon On The Theme Of Kindness
Could Not Have Been More Eloquent Than

This Simple Gesture.” And what a life-long message! We left that restaurant that night with a passion to pass on that kind of generosity! God is also dropping that message for you today. No matter how 2019 has been, in the midst of your own needs, reach out to this dying and hurting world.

Daily Manna Today 7 July 2019

Be His legs through your visits/care. Be His voice through your comfort of others! Hear George Gurdjieff again: “If you help others, you will be helped, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in one hundred years but you will be helped! Nature must pay off the debt… it is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics,” Read the 1st Basic Scripture again! ODM is the best gift item for all occasions!

Wow! Follow me on my personal instagram handle –
@ourdailyrnanna_bishopchris, my Facebook PAGE:
bishop chris kwakpovwe ODM and personal Twitter:
ODM official instagram handle @ourdailymannaonline,
Facebook official: our daily manna, Twitter: TweetODM

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of adoration now.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word now.

  1. Lift up your hands and ask the Lord to use you as His hands,
    mouth, eyes and legs to this generation in bondage.
  2. Surrender everything to Him and ask for the grace to
    be a blessing to someone today and this week.

Pray for others as led today.
4. Lord, as I bless others, raise helpers for my life and ministry.
5. Pray about today and about any matters) affecting your peace

  1. Bless a soul today! Send a telephone SMS! Encourage a soul!
    ODM is the best gift item for all occasions!

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Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
5 years ago

Thanks Amen and Amen

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