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Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019 – THE COMPARISON TRAP!

Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019


Basic scripture: Psalm 73:1-20

If you spend your days comparing yourself to other people’s achievements, you’ll never get anything accomplished. You must invest all your energy into pursuing your own dreams and goals. Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019 – THE COMPARISON TRAP!

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Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019

Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019

Don’t waste your precious time on those of others. This is because there will always be someone better than you at something. I know this might sound a little harsh, but it’s the reality! The richest man in your continent or in the world is only in terms of the public stocks invested! They know that they may not be the richest!

So the sooner you accept it, the happier you’ll be that you are a woman or man of destiny and God has a special plan for you. I remember when I was younger, that I would cry my eyes out every time my best friend got a better grade than me in class. So, at some point, an elderly man said to me: “Christopher, there will always be someone better than you at one point in your life.”

At first, I didn’t really understand where he was going with it and frankly, it left me with even more pain. But as I grew older, I realized he was right. At some point in your life, someone will beat you to whatever it is you are after. You desire to be the HEAD and not the TAIL, but you can’t always win in everything in life. Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019 – THE COMPARISON TRAP!

All you have to do is  hard and try your best and whatever is meant to be will fall into place for you at the right season. Yes! You will bear your fruit in your own season (See and declare Psalm 1 later)! The mistake David nearly made in Psalm 73 was comparing himself to others! Hear him in Verses 3-4: “For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no pangs in their death: but their strength is firm.”

Our Daily Manna For Winners 2 August 2019

Another translation puts it this way: ” I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. They have no struggles: their bodies are healthy and strong” (Psalm 73:3-4). Did you get that? He saw others and became envious, till the Lord made him understand that NOT ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD! Verses 17-18 says: “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

Surely Thou didst set them in slippery places: Thou casted them down into destruction.” Wow! Those you may be tempted to envy are fighting battles you know nothing about! Oh! Comparison will stall your  progress in life and ministry! Celebrate where you are! Know that you are you and you will get to your own Promised Land! Pray now!

Tomorrow is U.K Tele-Conference ANOINTING SERVICE. Call: +44(0) 330-998-1254 ACCESS CODE IS: 809720# Time: 8.00 a.m. U.K. time. Bishop Dr. Chris will be on the line to MINISTER! Other nations can call in too!

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God. Our Daily Manna 2019

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.

  2. Repent from being depressed or ENVIOUS because of the success of others! Pray for those you envy today! Mention their names!

  3. I refuse to COMPARE myself to anybody! I shall run my race and do my best at all times and I leave the rest to the God who is my rewarder!

  4. Open to Psalm 1:3! Put your name there and declare it several times now! Pray about today! Cancel a BROKEN LEG accident this month!

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5 years ago

Thank you so much. This has really helped me.

ochanya agbo
ochanya agbo
5 years ago

ODM is soooooo timely, the Holy Spirit speaks here all the time

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